Sunday, August 11, 2013

Surviving the Family Road Trip


Road Trips2We’re down to the final weeks of summer, and many of you are going to want to sneak in a quick vacation before school starts back up.  Today’s post will help you stay sane.
  1. Tips for Surviving a Family Roadtrip - Their number one tip is to ensure all electronics are fully charged. We’d also add purchasing car chargers, and get one per kid so there’s no fighting when both of their ipads or DS’s run out of juice at the same time. Another great suggestion is to keep kids busy by having some planned activities like a scavenger hunt for items like cows or cars with different state’s license plates.

6 Family Friendly Road Trip Ideas -Real Simple brought up something major that you don’t often think of: get your car serviced before you leave. Nothing will ruin a vacation faster than having the car break down. Or look into rentals to save the wear and tear on your vehicle. Secondly, involve everyone is the planning of the vacation, but don’t let anyone over-schedule the day. And if you have a bunch of driving, make sure you plan in a day of nothing to let everyone relax and recuperate. Sitting in the car for long hours at a time is exhausting.

Surviving Family Road Trips – PBS recommends finding parks or interesting sites every two to three hours to let kids run off some steam. They also recommend getting kids to look out the window rather then keeping their nose in their books or movies or game players. Encourage them to ask questions about how mountains got formed, or the history of a man-made lake.

Planning – and surviving – a family road trip – This was a delightful travel article in a newspaper on her family car trip to see major monuments including Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. One major tip she had was checking out the hotels. Find ones that will be kid friendly. Also look into if you get breakfast included with your stay (which saves money). Kids will no doubt want a pool. Also, if you want to line up activities like zip-lining or horseback riding, look into and can help you decide which outfitter to choose. Be sure to bring along confirmation numbers for both hotels and activities.

Remember, there’s still time for even a short three or four day weekend trip before school starts. It’s good to get away and recharge before life gets routine again. And if you don’t have kids, look into planning a trip when everyone is back in school. The rates should be less and there will definitely be fewer people.

Are you going to start planning next summer’s vacation yet?

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